Starting A Recruitment Company in Poland

Expanding a recruitment business overseas can be a great strategy for encouraging growth, demonstrating scalability and ultimately increasing the value of your business. Recruiters are quickly recognising that some of the greatest opportunities lie further afield and seeking new markets can help put your business ahead of the competition.

Since Poland joined the European Union in 2004, its economy has been growing at an average rate of 3.9% per annum and during the recent global financial crisis, the country was one of the only EU countries that didn’t fall into recession.

The country employs more than 2.3 million people and the workforce is seen to be highly skilled and motivated. Poland’s education system is well connected to the labour market, with an increasingly higher numbers of technical and vocational schools graduates.

Kraków – the countries second largest city after the capital Warsaw – is expected to boast 55,000 BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and IT employees by the end of 2016 and the country offers excellent recruitment opportunities in these sectors when compared to other European countries.

Why use to assist with setting up a recruitment business in Poland?

Understanding local employment legislation, accounting requirements, language barriers and red-tape can often deter businesses from the outset. At our team of professional experts have years of experience and are always available to help guide you through the entire process.

  • We provide expert help and advice in setting up your recruitment business in Poland from start to finish
  • We will guide you throughout the incorporation process
  • A unique one-stop solution for all your Polish company formation requirements that you can’t find anywhere else
  • We take care of the entire process from start to finish so you can relax knowing our experts will organise everything for you

Services we provide include:

  • Company formation
  • Accounting services and payroll (direct introductions or project managed through our sister company)
  • Registering for VAT
  • Recruitment license applications
  • Physical & Virtual Offices
  • Bank introductions
  • Immigration & visas

Requirements for setting up a recruitment business in Poland

A private limited company – referred to as a SP.z.o.o – is one of the most popular formats for recruitment companies. Requirements to open a private limited company are:

  • A minimum share capital is 5,000 zlotys that has been paid in full
  • A minimum of one director
  • No restrictions on foreign shareholders
  • Annual accounts to be prepared and held at company offices
  • For EU VAT Registration you are required to have a virtual office
  • Specification of business activities. We have to confirm the exact planned activities of the business to ensure the company will be allowed to trade in that industry
  • Client has to visit to open a bank account
  • You must have a registered office

Registering a company in Poland can be performed by a legal representative, however before starting the process, it is mandatory to open a bank account where the initial capital is deposited.


To register for VAT you will need to register the company at the Polish Trade Register. The required documents include:

  • Articles of association, or the company charter
  • The statistical number
  • The REGON certificate
  • An excerpt from the National Court Register and the bank certificate

After this stage, you will receive a REGON number and will be registered for VAT purposes.


If the new owner visits Poland the transfer can be completed within in day. However if the new owner does not visit it takes approx. 2-4 weeks due to the need for a legalised POA and postage times.

Please contact us for more information or for a free consultation on how to expand your recruitment business to Poland.