Starting A Recruitment Company in the United States

Expanding a recruitment business overseas can be a great strategy for encouraging growth, demonstrating scalability and ultimately increasing the value of your business. Recruiters are quickly recognising that some of the greatest opportunities lie further afield and seeking new markets can help put your business ahead of the competition.

The US economy is the largest in the world in relation to GDP. It’s highly advanced in terms of technology and infrastructure, with every major industry represented. A shared history, culture and common language ensure a strong relationship exists between the US and the UK, with services and businesses from the UK typically viewed in a favourable and positive light.

If you’re looking to expand your recruitment business into the U.S. market, the sheer scale of the country means it should be treated as a series of regional markets with varying characteristics and employment opportunities.

Why use to assist with setting up a recruitment business in the United States?

Understanding local employment legislation, accounting requirements, language barriers and red-tape can often deter businesses from the outset. At our team of professional experts have years of experience and are always available to help guide you through the entire process.

  • We provide expert help and advice in setting up your recruitment business in the U.S. from start to finish
  • We will guide you throughout the incorporation process
  • A unique one-stop solution for all your U.S. company formation requirements that you can’t find anywhere else
  • We take care of the entire process from start to finish so you can relax knowing our experts will organise everything for you

Services we provide include:

  • Company formation
  • Accounting services and payroll (direct introductions or project managed through our sister company)
  • Registering for VAT
  • Recruitment license applications
  • Physical & Virtual Offices
  • Bank introductions
  • Immigration & visa services

Requirements for setting up a recruitment business in the U.S.

There are many types of business entities in the US, but can generally be classified as two main groups, Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC).


A limited liability company is a relatively new structure and essentially a hybrid that provides the limited liability features of a corporation, and the tax efficiencies and operational flexibility of a partnership. It’s the most popular option for small and medium sized recruitment agencies.

While each state will have variations on the requirements needed in order to set-up your recruitment business, a typical process will include:

  • Choosing a business name.
  • File the Articles of Organization.
  • Creating an Operating Agreement.
  • Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits.
  • Announcing your Business.

Once your business is registered, you must obtain business licenses and permits. Again, regulations will vary by state.

Selecting the best state for your business

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to engage in the business of an employment agency.  However, each state is free to impose reasonable restrictions upon recruitment agencies that vary from state to state, with some placing a cap on the placement fee charged by the employment agencies.

We understand that each business is unique, and that each company will have specialist requirements depending on the sectors you’ll be working with. Our job is to help you get the right package for your recruitment company so you can start trading legally in the most appropriate state.

Recruitment Licence

Each state will have it’s own requirements regarding employment licences, but typically an employment agency that acquires its fees from the employees must apply for a license to the Department of Labor, and recruitment agencies that receive their fees from employers are usually not subjected to licensing requirements.

Please contact us for more information or for a free consultation on how to expand your recruitment business to the United States.