UK Enterprise Zones: What Are They and How Can They Help Your Business?

Situated all over the country, UK enterprise zones are specific areas designed to promote and benefit certain businesses or manufacturing within that region. There are currently 24 of these zones dotted up and down Great Britain each with a specific aim or focus including pharmaceuticals, engineering, tech, logistics, transport, retail, life sciences and green industries.

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Each area offers specific benefits which include up to 100% Business Rates relief (worth up to £275,000) over a 5-year period, Enhanced Capital Allowances for investment in plant and machinery, lease payment holidays, low-rent incubator units, development funding the possibility to write off corporation tax

Many of these zones are encouraging these businesses to cluster together for mutual benefit and so, in certain circumstances, there is an on-site customer base already established. These zones have also been developed with business in mind so have most, if not all, of the available infrastructure in place as well easy planning process to aid in development with many sites having Local Development Orders granting automatic planning permission for specified types of development.

For more information on UK Enterprise zones and incorporating a company in Britain visit or email us at [email protected]